How to search for texts

This database comprises a continuously growing number texts of different medieval authors, types and centuries (ca. 4000 today). All these texts are listed in one table. To find relevant text(s), there are various options how to search for:



Search for a particular author by entering his name in the field "Search Author" or by clicking on the capital, alphabetically arranged letters, or use the sort functions.


Enter a specific title in the allotted field, of filter and sort by using the sort functions

Century (C1/C2): 

C1 represents the main century, C2 the second century, in which a text was written. Select by scrolling through the list, or use the sort functions

Text type: 

Find theological, political, legal and narrative texts by scrolling through the list or facilitate your search with the general sort functions. This classification works on two levels: classes and objects. The class describes the main function of a text, the object specifies the kind of text. Please find more information here: Text type classification.

Words and Edition: 

In these columns, you get information about the number of words and about the publisher of the text. You can also search for particular editions.


IMPORTANT: You have to undo the filtering before conducting a new search via the search fields above the table. Please click again on the buttom in front of "Filter".

How to analyse texts


general term list for one text:

Select your text by ticking the quadrangle in the outer left column. In the last column you click on 

A general term list will be displayed below. It contains all words in the selected text according to their frequency.

The list provides information about : 

"Lemma"            which lemmata occur in the text

"Count"              how many times they occur

"POS"                which part of speech they are

"Word Form(s)"   which word forms are assigned to these lemmata and how often each of those different word forms occurs) 

"Dubium"           if the word forms are unambiguously defined with regard to their morphology or

                        if they are unambiguously assigned to a particular lemma (no tick) or not (tick). 



A general term list for several texts:

Select your texts by ticking the quadrangle in the outer left column. At the end of the table under the column function you click on  .

A general term over all selected texts will be displayed below.



A specific term in one text:

Select your text by ticking the quadrangle in the outer left column. In the last column you click on  . 

A dialog will open and ask you to type the lemma of the search term.

The term list will be displayed below. It contains all words according to their frequency in the selected text in the sentences in which the search word appears. 

If you are logged in, you can access via double-click on the word form column the concordance view that shows the sentences in which the search word appears. 

In the result table, the different word forms of the lemma selected will stand out in red as "Hit" in the middle of its context. Moreover, information about the author, title, text type and century will be given as well as the column in which you will find the sentences in the printed edition, which the text in the database is based on. 


A specific term in several texts:

Select your texts by ticking the quadrangle in the outer left column. At the end of the table under the column function you click on .

The term list will be displayed below. It contains all words according to their frequency in the selected texts in the sentences where the search word appears.



Compare lists:

You can conduct several searches and compare the lists by clicking on   (between  and ). 

Choose then "Intersection" to infer from the table which lemmata occur in your selection of texts, as well as how many times and in which forms they do.

Choose "Difference" when you would like to see which lemmata occur in one text, but not in another one. 



All lists as any other can be sorted and filtered, see the general sort functions.

To download the lemma list(s) click  on the right side above the table. You will receive an Excel file of the lemma list, or if you have filtered, the results selected by the filter. You can conduct several searches and switch between the different lemma lists and result tables. If you notice an error within a lemma list, please report it via .