How to consult the lexicon
To find lemmata and wordforms in the lexicon, you first choose "Lexicon" in the headline. The mask then gives you the opportunity to conduct your search in three different ways:
Search for "SuperLemma":
The SuperLemma resembles the entry of a lemma in a lexicon or a dictionary.
The result displays:
- Name: name of the SuperLemma
- POS: part of speech
- Corpus Frequency: the frequency of the word´s occurence in the texts of the database
- Number of Lemmata: number of lemmata that belong to the SuperLemma
By double-clicking on the SuperLemma, you enter the next level below SuperLemma in a new tab: the Lemma.
Search for "Lemma":
The Lemma level comprises different medieval spellings of a SuperLemma since, e.g. the orthography of ecclesia can vary between aecclaesia, ecclaesia or eclesia. So here, you can search for a lemma in its classical spelling, but also in its medieval form. Again, enter the word in the "Query"-field and click on "Start". The result table then shows you the name and the part of speech of the lemma as well as the frequency of its occurrence in the corpus and, lastly, the number of wordforms that belong to the lemma.
By double-clicking on the Lemma, you enter the next level below Lemma in a new tab: the Word form.
Search for "Word Form":
Here you can search for inflected word forms of a lemma. If you would like to get morphological information for ecclesiae, e.g., or if you would like to see which SuperLemma and Lemma the form belongs to, please enter this word form in the "Query"-field and click on "Start". Your results will appear below.
Search for occurrences in texts:
If you are logged in, you can access the sentences where you search word appears. Please double-click on the word and a list of sentences will appear in a new tab.