News Archives
NEWS from June 16, 2015: CompHistSem at the IMC Leeds 2015
CompHistSem will be present at the IMC Leeds 2015. Laura Linzmeier (Regensburg) and Tim Geelhaar (Frankfurt) will give papers and presentations on how to work with We will be happy to meet you at our sessions on July 7, 2015. Session 519 "More than Words: New Approaches to Historical Semantics, I" from 9 till 10.30 is consecrated to the diversity of current approaches in this field. Sessions 619 "More than Words: New Approaches to Historical Semantics, II" focusses on Computational Historical Semantics.
NEWS from April 7, 2015: Welcome to the Central European Medieval Text Series
Now accessible via The Central European Medieval Texts Series, published at CEU Press ( by the courtesy of its editors J. M. Bak, U. Borkowska, G. Constable, G. Jaritz, G. Klaniczay, P. Geary whom we would like to thank for their cooperation.
NEWS from March 2, 2015
The documentation section has been revised. Under the header "HOW TO..." it shall provide information about the diverse functions offered by CHS. We hope that some points are now easier and faster to understand. Feel free to comment on it via "Contact".
The order of the headers has changed: "How to..." follows now directly "Lexicon" and "Texts".
The CHS-Project-Site has been updated. Here you find more information about the research programm this web service is linked to.
More than 5300 texts are now available.
NEWS from Jan 11, 2015
When searching for a specific term you will not only get a term list but also a table with all sentences containing your searchword in all its flexions. For certain texts, e.g. from the PL, you need to log in first (see the last thread).
Second, over 4844 texts are available now. Thanks to our partners we hope to build up our database in order to enable further queries.
NEWS from Oct 30, 2014
Now offers even more functionalities and texts thanks to the recently added "log-in". Users with an eHU-Desk-Login can access all texts available on HSCM via The full-view of these texts is now possible. All occurrences of a specific term can be displayed in the Lexicon as well as in the result list in the Texts section. Users without a Login can easily apply by filling out the registration formular.