- Eger, S., Mehler, A., 2016. On the linearity of semantic change: {I}nvestigating meaning variation via dynamic graph models. In Proceedings of ACL 2016, Berlin 2016, accepted.
- vor der Brück, T., Mehler, A., 2016. TLT-CRF: A Lexicon-supported Morphological Tagger for Latin Based on Conditional Random Fields. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2016.
- Eger, S., Gleim, R. and Mehler, A., 2016. Lemmatization and Morphological Tagging in German and Latin: A comparison and a survey of the state-of-the-art. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2016.
- Mehler, A., Gleim, R., vor der Brück, T., Hemati, W., Uslu, T. and Eger, S., 2016. Wikidition: Automatic Lexiconization and Linkification of Text Corpora. In Information Technology, 2016.
- Mehler, A., Wagner, B. and Gleim, R., 2016. Wikidition: Towards A Multi-layer Network Model of Intertextuality. In Proceedings of DH 2016, 12-16 July, 2016.
- Wagner, B., Mehler, A. and Biber, H., 2016. Transbiblionome Daten in der Literaturwissenschaft. Texttechnologische Erschließung und digitale Visualisierung intertextueller Beziehungen digitaler Korpora. In DHd 2016, 2016.
- Cimino, R., Geelhaar, T., Schwandt, S., 2015. Digital Approaches to Historical Semantics: new research directions at Frankfurt University. In: Storicamente 11.
- Eger, S., vor der Brück, T., Mehler, A. 2015. Lexicon-assisted tagging and lemmatization in Latin: A comparison of six taggers and two lemmatization methods. In: Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (Latech), Bejjing 2015, accepted.
- Eger, S. 2015. Multiple Many-to-many sequence alignment for combining string-valued variables: A G2P Experiment. In: ACL 2015, accepted.
- Eger, S. 2015. Designing and comparing G2P-type lemmatizers for a morphology-rich language. Fourth International Workshop on Systems and Frameworks for Computational Morphology 2015, accepted.
- Eger, S., Schenk, N., Mehler, A., 2015. Towards Semantic Language Classification: Inducing and Clustering Semantic Association Networks from Europarl. Proceedings of the Fourth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics, Denver, Colorado June 2015, 127—136.
- Frank-Job, B., Selig, M., 2015. Chapter 3: Early evidence and sources. In: Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages. Part 1: The Making of the Romance Languages. Hg. A. Ledgeway and M. Maiden. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Frank-Job, B., Borreguero Zuloaga, M., Gülich, E., Raible, W. / Rastier, F., 2015. Littérature, philologie, linguistique: l'unité de la romanistique. Actes du XXVIIe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes (Nancy, 15-20 juillet 2013), ed. É. Buchi, J.-P. Chauveau, J.-M. Pierrel. (Société de linguistique romane/ÉliPhi 3). Stuttgart.
- Frank-Job, B., López Serena, A., de Toledo y Huerta, Á. O., Winter-Froemel, E. (Hgg.) (2015, in Press): Diskurstraditionelles und Einzelsprachliches im Sprachwandel / Tradicionalidad discursiva e idiomaticidad en los procesos de cambio lingüístico (ScriptOralia 140), Tübingen: Narr.
- Geelhaar T., 2015. Talking About christianitas at the Time of Innocent III (1198–1216): What Does Word Use Contribute to the History of Concepts? In: Contributions to the history of concepts 10/2, p. 7-28. - See more at:
- Gleim, R., Mehler A., 2015. TTLab Preprocessor – Eine generische Web-Anwendung für die Vorverarbeitung von Texten und deren Evaluation. Posterpräsentation im Rahmen der Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, Graz, 2015.
- Jussen, B., Rohmann, G., 2015, Historical Semantics in Medieval Studies: New Means and Approaches. In: Contributions to the history of concepts 10/2, p. 1-6. - See more at:
- Mehler, A., vor der Brück, T., Gleim, R. and Geelhaar, T., 2015. Towards a Network Model of the Coreness of Texts: An Experiment in Classifying Latin Texts using the TTLab Latin Tagger. In: C. Biemann and Mehler A., ed. 2015. Text Mining: From Ontology Learning to Automated text Processing Applications (Theory and Applications of Natural Language Processing). Berlin/New York: Springer, p. 87-112.
- Mehler, A., Lücking, A., Banisch, S., Blanchard, P. and Frank-Job, B., (Eds.), 2015. Towards a Theoretical Framework for Analyzing Complex Linguistic Networks
- Frank-Job, B., 2014. Der Codex im Diskurs. Formen der Textkonzeptualisierung im romanischen Mittelalter. In: Haye, Th., Helmrath, J. (Hgg.), Der Codex im Diskurs (Wolfenbütteler Mittelalter-Studien 25). Wiesbaden, p. 143-166.
Pre-Project Publications
- Frank-Job, B., 2011. Zu den Leistungen eines netzwerkanalytischen Ansatzes für die empirische Linguistik. In: S. Dessì Schmid, U. Detges, P. Gévaudan, W. Mihatsch und R. Waltereit, ed., 2011. Rahmen des Sprechens. Beiträge zu Valenztheorie, Varietätenlinguistik, Kreolistik, Kognitiver und Historischer Semantik. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag.
- Jussen, B., Mehler, A. and Ernst, A., 2007. A Corpus Management System for Historical Semantics. Sprache und Datenverarbeitung. International Journal for Language Data Processing 31(2), p. 81-87.
- Koch, P. and Oesterreicher, W., 2001. Langage parleé et langage écrit. In: G. Holtus, M. Metzeltin und C. Schmitt, ed. 2001. Lexikon der Romanistischen Linguistik. vol. I/2. Tübingen: Niemeyer, p. 584-627.
- Mehler, A., Gleim, R., Waltinger, U. and Diewald, N., 2010. Time series of linguistic networks by example of the Patrologia Latina. In: K.-P. Fähnrich and B. Franczyk, ed. 2010. Proceedings of INFORMATIK 2010: Service Science (Volume 2 of Lecture Notes in Informatics). Leipzig, p. 609- 616.
- Mehler, A., Schwandt, S., Gleim, R. and Jussen, B., 2011. Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics (JLCL). Accepted.
- Mehler, A., Schwandt, S., Gleim, R. and Ernst, A., 2012. Inducing Linguistic Networks from Historical Corpora: Towards a New Method in Historical Semantics. In: M. Durrell et al., 2012. Proceedings of the Conference on New Methods in Historical Corpora, April 29-30, 2011, Manchester (Corpus linguistics and Interdisciplinary perspectives on language [CLIP]). Tübingen: Narr, p. 257-274.
Selig, M., 2008. Geschichte, Variation, Wandel. Sprachwandel und historische Corpora. In: E. Stark, R. Schmidt-Riese and E. Stoll, ed. 2008. Romanische Syntax im Wandel. Tübingen: Niemeyer, p. 67-88.